Dev Tips

Snippets, tools, and techniques for development.

Move lines in Neovim

Key mappings for efficiently moving lines in visual mode

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Command line JSON with jq

One liners for wrangling JSON

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Better environment variables with Zod and TypeScript

Add type safety and validation to env vars

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Kill the process listening to a port

Find the processes listening to a port and kill it

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Reusable EdgeDB filters with e.shape()

Don't write the same filter twice

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Get a free favicon for any domain

An open Google URL that returns a favicon

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Better switches with Zod and TypeScript

Zod discriminated unions for type narrowing switch statements

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How to check TypeScript type equality

An easy way to verify or test TypeScript types

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Private NPM packages with Docker and GitHub Actions

How to build Docker images using private NPM packages with GitHub Actions.

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ZSH History Improvements

Improve autocompletion and save more commands

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Publish monorepo packages with Changesets

Painlessly publish public/private packages to NPM from a monorepo.

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